Global Views: Shifts in Wellness

by | Feb 4, 2016 | Health Knowledge

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The Global Wellness Summit, which convened in Mexico City last November, focused on how leaders will push forward in 2016. Based on event research, the Summit’s leadership predicts that investment in wellness programs will continue to soar over the next five to 10 years.

Their team also drew on conversations between almost 500 delegates from 40 countries to identify expected shifts in the wellness world. Here are five of their 10 predictions for the coming year:

Cracking the Genome and the Epigenome

Research continues to hone in on the genetic markers that determine health and wellbeing. These advances pave the way to identify genes that you can modify through intervention and behavior changes. Doctors and scientists hope these breakthroughs can prevent diseases and chronic health issues.

Increasing Incentives and Legislation

As health care costs continue to rise, governments and insurance companies will create additional incentives for making healthy choices with taxes or potential financial gains. Economist Thierry Malleret, for example, argued at the summit that governments will legislate preventative treatments, offering financial incentives to individuals who practice healthy living.

Wellness Embeds in Company Culture

Instead of perceiving wellness as an extreme option — a diet or exercise regime — healthy practices will increasingly become part of the fabric of everyday life. In 2016, health will move beyond independent corporate programs to fully integrate into work communities and inform HR practices. Companies will place more emphasis on manageable changes that maximize impact.

Prevention-Based Medicine

As the authors wrote, “These experts all agreed that healthcare is shifting from disease management to a more prevention-focused mindset because the business model of healthcare itself is shifting. Medical organizations in the U.S., for example, are being asked to take on new risks and populations, while patients are also demanding more choice.” Health care professionals continue to see integrative medicine as one way to approach prevention-based medicine.

Technological Advances

At the Global Wellness Summit, experts emphasized the importance of technology that can revolutionize health. Nanochips that serve as wearable technology can monitor the body’s biological functions and contribute disease management. This kind of technology holds the potential to regulate medicine and build awareness around the impact of healthy choices.

Through programs that emphasize healthy practices, leaders can make significant changes in the workplace and beyond. Do you have any predictions to add for 2016?

Written By Laura McKenzie


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