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“This week the American Psychological Association announced awards to four employers it says offer the most psychologically healthy places to work in North America. They range from a small catering company with 200 employees outside Chicago to the University of Southern California in Los Angeles, which has a workforce of 20,000. The APA has given the awards for the last nine years, picking two for-profit enterprises and two non-profits, with one large and one small employer in each category and a slot reserved for a government, military or educational institution,” Forbes reports.
“Companies apply for the awards through their local psychological associations. They fill out checklists and write essays and a team of psychologists from the local association visits each company. Then the local branches recommend winners to the APA, which analyzes the data and picks the winners.”
“Though the nominees are self-selected, the winners nevertheless offer great examples of employers who are paying extra attention to workers’ psychological needs, whether through an unusual culture that requires managers to adhere to the same principals as the lowest-paid workers or wellness programs that offer free on-site therapy sessions and meditation classes.”