7 Useful Tips for Improving Workplace Mental Health

by | Jun 1, 2022 | employee satisfaction, Mental Health, workplace wellness

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It is of utmost importance that cost-efficiency and a high level of productivity are something to strive for as far as employees in the workplace are concerned. However, this shouldn't be the only goal of human resource managers, CEOs, business owners, etc. Facilitating mental health wellness also deserves both attention and effort in the workplace as well. Yet, it must be observed that efficient measures to address mental health-related problems at work are often lacking and this constitutes a considerate problem. 

Hence, this post will focus on the 7 most prominent and useful tips you can take into consideration to improve the general mental health within a workplace environment. 

1. Research

First and foremost, conducting decent research should be the first step as far as mental health strategy for the workplace is concerned. It is crucial to find out the main causes of stress among employees. Additionally, you must also try to identify the common causes that are detrimental in regards to mental health in the workplace in general. For instance, possible causes could entail high work pressure, unattainable deadlines, bad relationships among colleagues, feelings of not being appreciated for performances, and no autonomy being attributed to employees, etc. 

Once you obtain insight into the causes that are responsible for low levels of mental health in the workplace, you can more effectively adapt your strategy accordingly. Namely, these should be considered as the most prominent working points. 

2. Clearly Define the Responsibilities of Executives 

Secondly, as far as mental health in the workplace is concerned, a company's executives play an immensely crucial part in this entire process. Less abstractly, they should know exactly which aspects they should focus on and implement regarding a strategy for improving mental health among employees. 

In a sense, these responsibilities significantly depend on each respective company's intrinsic set of values and principles. Yet, it is helpful to list some useful examples. For instance, executives should focus on improving the communication processes in the office and they should facilitate an open, transparent and comfortable environment for everyone. Such an environment entails that every employee has the realistic opportunity to speak out on mental health-related issues and when they do, they must be listened to and supported accordingly. Other examples include maintaining a healthy balance between work and private life, awareness of mental health issues, and gaining more knowledge on mental health in general. 

3. Communication Policy on the Importance of Mental Health

Now, a common feature in many  offices around the globe is that employees often consider talking about mental health in a work environment taboo. That is precisely why the communication policy of each company should address mental health and the importance of constructive communication about mental health. This will provide an extra layer of understanding and connection between executives and employees. Mental health is a sensitive, difficult topic for many people, and consequently, ensuring that employees can talk about mental health with their employers might remove some barriers in this department. This boosts confidence and that's always a highly admirable principle in the workplace. 

4. Modifications to Interior Design

It might sound trivial, but changing the office's interior design can surely help as regards improving the mental health in the workplace. This constitutes a small change but can have very desirable outcomes. For instance, it's always recommended to strive for a workplace with a lot of access to fresh air and light. Another aspect that's suggested is incorporating plants. These changes won't only positively impact the mental health of employees, but they might also have positive implications as far as physical health goes. In general, these changes will contribute to a bright, positive environment where everyone can flourish to the fullest.

5. Motivation and Incentives

As mentioned before, high work pressure might be a leading cause of bad mental health levels in the workplace. Hence, it could prove useful to invest in motivating and providing incentives for employees while they're working hard. For instance, “best employee of the month” and similar competitions have passed the test of time because they can be really motivating for employees. It is always beneficial to develop certain concepts and strategies for employees to help them achieve work-related goals and personal goals. By providing positive incentives for employees, you'll find that this can do wonders with regard to improving mental health in the workplace. 

6. Individualized Support

Moreover, while collective efforts to improve mental health in the workplace can be applauded, you must also ensure that there is enough room for individualized help and support. Specifically, on the topic of mental health, there are always people who suffer more than others. As a result, you must make extra efforts to support certain employees who might need it the most. Naturally, tailored mental health support goes a very long way. By using this method, you won't only help individual employees, but you'll simultaneously contribute to the mental health of everyone associated with the company. Namely, you'll be fostering a climate of tolerance and reliance and that's an ideal climate for a workplace that prioritizes mental health. 

7. Room for Relaxation Time

Lastly, in order to properly address mental health issues in the workplace, it is absolutely essential that executives provide room and time for relaxation possibilities. Yet, a disclaimer in this regard is that this shouldn't be at the expense of the general productivity levels at work so finding a balance is key in this aspect. 

Even at work, not everything has to revolve around deadlines, work pressure, and generating profits. If you want to contribute to a work environment where employees aren't prone to burn-outs, feeling underappreciated, and excessively put under pressure, you must invest in relaxation opportunities. For instance, you could invest in team building events to build stronger relationships. Also, a relaxation room where people can de-stress when it all gets too much might be favorable as well. Finally, you must also monitor that people have enough vacation days so they can maintain a fresh head while they're at work. 

Written By Mike Veny


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