We are facing a student mental health crisis. Watching your teen struggle with teenage depression and anxiety may have you wondering what you can do as a parent to help.
I was recently asked what I wish my parents would have done differently when I was a teen with depression and mental health challenges. In this video, I share the best piece of parenting teenager advice I have from my experience on the other side and how I think therapy and counseling for you can help. ike
I also share a message that I want every parent of a child with anxiety, deression, or mental illness to hear and remind themselves of constantly.
While the information in this video is quick and simple, it’s the best parenting teenager tip I can think of for how to help a teen with depression. This also includes if you have an emotional teen, angry teen or student struggling with any other mental health challenges.
Watch Self Care Tips for Students: https://youtu.be/fJKNSi1z2tA
Protect your mental health and emotional wellness with the ULTIMATE GUIDE TO SELF-CARE: https://www.mikeveny.com/offers/Uaj4kPLo
TWEET THIS VIDEO: https://ctt.ac/2b5E3
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#depressedteen, #parents, #MikeVeny