
Non-Urban Obesity Rates Rise: Study

Non-Urban Obesity Rates Rise: Study

Yesterday we reported that while smoking rates have declined according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, they remain higher outside of metropolitan regions. Today we focus on non-urban obesity. And the news is not good. This information can be...

Global Running Day: Today’s a Good Day to Start

Global Running Day: Today’s a Good Day to Start

Today marks Global Running Day, which provides an excellent opportunity for well-run workplace wellness programs to inspire and engage members in fitness -- either implementing an improved routine or maintaining current activities. It's possible to start small....

Digital Tools Useful to Help Manage Type 2 Diabetes

Digital Tools Useful to Help Manage Type 2 Diabetes

Can digital coaching help people manager Type 2 Diabetes? The role of web-based wellness support was highlight by Interactive Health, which previously announced a "member website that provides custom health pathways that will transform the way people engage in and...

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