Connection Between Physical Health and Mental Health

by | Mar 23, 2022 | Health Knowledge

Connection Between Physical Health and Mental Health

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Connection Between Physical Health and Mental Health

Have you ever felt so tired sitting around all day doing nothing, or do you feel so exhausted doing mind activities? Ever wonder why? Your mind and your body's connection may be why. In this article, we will consider the connection between physical health and mental health.

Physical & Mental Health: How Are They Linked To Each Other?

The body's physical health is linked to the mind fundamentally. There is a misconception that the mind functions separately from the human body. People often think that the body's well-being does not significantly impact a human's mental well-being.

Statistics showed that 37.6% of people with mental health issues are more likely to develop severe physical problems in the long term. Relatively, people with poor physical health develop severe mental problems. Why is there a connection between physical health and mental well-health? Simply because the human mind controls the body, the same principle also applies to a person's overall health.

Nearly one in three people with physical problems develop long-term mental issues such as depression and anxiety. Thus, taking care of your body is crucial to developing a solid and healthy mind.

How Poor Physical Conditions Affect Mental Health

When someone experiences poor physical standing, the mind becomes agitated as well.

“Why am I still sick?”

“Am I not eating enough?”

“What do I need to do?”

These thoughts will keep on flooding your mind and can lead to overthinking, anxiety or depression. Overthinking and depression can then lead someone to isolate themselves, skip eating meals, and stop social activities. As a result, when the mind grows weaker, chronic physical issues arise more such as: weight loss, digestive problems, headaches, fatigue, and so on.

In science, we are taught that the mind signals the body what to do. Correspondingly, when something is wrong with the body, it signals the mind as well, thus affecting it, too. Even if you eat a lot of nutritious food, take all the prime multivitamins available in the market, or even push yourself to do heavy exercises, it won't guarantee you a healthy and robust body.

There are several factors affecting a person's physical and mental wellbeing including workplace wellness, relationship with family and friends, and many other areas of life. Here are some of the effects of poor physical health on a person's mental well-being:

  • Parkinson's Disease
  • Emotional Stress
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Overthinking
  • Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

Physical illnesses can predispose people to severe mental issues because the hormones in the body are affected. For example, people who have problems or abnormalities in the dopamine system are more likely to develop Parkinson's Disease. It's a brain disorder that leads the affected person to shake, have difficulty walking, balancing, etc. A person may also experience chronic pain when their body has serotonin, dopamine, or norepinephrine imbalance.

Improving Mental Health

Think happy thoughts, and you can fly!”  Tinkerbell wasn't telling a lie about the happy thoughts part. However, developing a healthy mind doesn't just involve thinking happy thoughts. The process is more complex than that. People will inevitably have episodes of unhealthy overthinking or breaking down. On the other hand, the human body isn't always at its prime.

However, there are several ways to help the body and mind become solid and sound most of the time. Here are a few but proven ways to make sure that your mind and body are in check:

  • Exercise
  • Eat Healthily
  • Drink Plenty Of Fluids
  • Sleep Regularly
  • Reduce Alcohol Consumption
  • Socialize
  • Talk To Someone
  • Relax


Exercise has a lot of benefits to a person. Exercising helps a person maintain a healthy body. Studies show that people above the ideal weight for adults experience physical problems such as fatigue, heart diseases, sleep apnea, etc. Exercising also helps a person develop a good mental disposition. People who exercise regularly are more likely to avoid mental health issues such as depression, anxiety, and so on. When a person exercises, the body releases chemicals called endorphins which give the body a positive effect similar to that of morphine.

Eat Healthily

Eating balanced can help a person improve his or her mood. The food we take into our body plays a very important role in developing overall health. People who eat healthy foods are less likely to develop mental health challenges such as anxiety or depression. Eating healthy foods constitutes a strong memory, better moods, and stronger focus. The mind functions best when fueled with healthy foods. Aside from this, eating healthily also helps a person maintain a strong body.

Drink Plenty Of Fluids

The human body requires at least an average of eight glasses of water every day to stay healthy and hydrated. Hydration plays an essential role in a person's life. It regulates the body's temperature, prevents infections, delivers nutrients to the human cells, and so on. Studies showed 80% of people who take fewer fluids develop infections such as Urinary Tract Infection and other health problems such as dehydration. Hydration also helps the human body decrease risks of depression and anxiety.

Sleep Regularly

Sleep is an essential factor in improving physical and mental health. When a person sleeps, it gives the body the chance to repair damaged or unhealthy cells in the body. Correspondingly, sleeping regularly gives the body enough rest and helps the mind retain new memories or information. Sleeping restores the senses and helps the body develop a natural rhythm. It also prevents fatigue, depression, anxiety, and other issues.

Reduce alcohol consumption

People who drink excessively have higher chances of developing chronic diseases such as high blood pressure, liver cancer, digestive problems, and other sorts of cancer (colon, rectum, and so on).


Socialization can help improve a person's physical and mental well-being. People who associate themselves with other people are happier, more active, and less likely to be depressed. However, it's also essential to choose which people to associate with. The group of people who socialize with a person constitutes the lifestyle that a person may develop.

For example, people who associate themselves with other people who are physically active are also influenced by this interest. Socialization also helps a person strengthen mental health. 

Talk To Someone

Talking to someone has its benefits. For one, talking to someone can boost self-esteem and can help develop communication skills. When a person goes through something, it's helpful to talk about it to someone. If there is no one available, going to a psychologist or psychiatrist may also be a solution.

Some people don't like to talk about problems with other people. They may not be comfortable or may just not be used to the idea. However, studies suggest that talking to someone actually helps, one way or another.


Every once in a while, relaxing or going out for a vacation helps. People who are too busy with their career lives no longer find time to enjoy life. Escape from a busy life actually has beneficial effects on mental and physical well-being. Relaxation helps the body relax and release tensions.

Relaxation lowers heart rate, blood pressure, and breathing rate. Relaxing also helps reduce muscle tensions, improve mental health, reduce fatigue and avoid unwanted mood swings, and anger management. There are many ways to find relaxation, such as going on a vacation, doing yoga, soaking in a warm bath, connecting to nature, and so on.

Your Physical & Mental Health vs. Your Workplace

The way people carry their body and mind actually has an impact on how they perform at work. The energy levels they project when they work impact their productivity and efficiency in their work area. Being physically fit and mentally sound can help a person develop a strong relationship between coworkers, produce high-quality output, and so on, which allows the company to increase chances of meeting goals and other work-related objectives.


The physical well-being of a person affects mental health. A physically fit person has lower chances of developing cognitive issues such as depression and anxiety. In conclusion, it's crucial to take care of one's physical health in order to develop solid mental well-being. After all, the mind and body have an undeniable bond that influences a person's life.

Written By Mike Veny


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