Global Running Day: Today’s a Good Day to Start

by | Jun 6, 2018 | Engagement

global running day

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Today marks Global Running Day, which provides an excellent opportunity for well-run workplace wellness programs to inspire and engage members in fitness — either implementing an improved routine or maintaining current activities.

It's possible to start small. According to the Global Running Day site: “Global Running Day is a worldwide celebration of running that encourages everyone to get moving. It doesn’t matter how fast you run or how far you go—what’s important is that you take part, and how you do it is up to you. Run a lap around your block, take your dog for a long walk, or call your friends for a pick-up game in the park. The important thing is that you have fun being active—and you inspire others to join you.”

Of course, we frequently highlight the important role fitness plays in maintaining good health — and for businesses to manage overall health costs. A few examples:

It helps the brain, according to a study published in Nature titled “Higher physical fitness levels are associated with less language decline in healthy ageing.”

It helps individuals manage weight issues, according to a study titled “Low fitness is associated with abdominal adiposity and low-grade inflammation independent of BMI.

It also can help with chronic disease management, including diabetes, according to a study in Experimental Physiology titled “Functional high intensity exercise training ameliorates insulin resistance and cardiometabolic risk factors in type 2 diabetes.”

The Global Running Day site includes a pledge opportunity for visitors to promise to start running.

We thought we'd provide some global inspiration and note how people globally are showing their commitment to Global Running Day on Twitter:

From Australia:

From London:

From Runners World:

From UK's National Health Service:

From New York:


Written By Mike Veny


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