How to Engage GenX, Millennials in Wellness Programs

by | Sep 22, 2015 | Engagement

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VIxuv96Rf23YVTTi3gv_It’s the continual challenge — and opportunity: How do you engage employees to take advantage of the company wellness program?

Writes Human Resource Executive Online: “Even though it's been estimated that up to 85 percent of organizations offer health and wellness benefits to employees, a recent Brodeur Partners survey showed that only 34 percent of 542 adult American workers said their employer offered such programs. Less than half the respondents — 45 percent — said they do participate or would if their employer had one.”
The piece quotes Andrea Coville, chief executive officer of Brodeur Partners: “Either employees aren't getting the memo about the programs that exist in their workplaces or they don't consider what their employers are offering to be true wellness programs.”
But the data gets even more interesting by looking at the data generationally:
  • “Only 32 percent of Generation Xers (ages 35 through 54) and 24 percent of the baby boomers (55 years and older) segments indicated they had a workplace wellness program, compared to 41 percent for Millennials (ages 18 through 34).”
  • “Furthermore, 45 percent of the Baby Boomers said they would not participate, compared to 36 percent of Generation Xers and 41 percent of Millennials.”
The post reached out to LuAnn Heinen, a vice president at the National Business Group on Health, who “identified three best-practice communication tactics to combat the barriers:”
  • “The first is to encourage wellness champions and “super-users” to be vocal or provide testimonials.”
  • “The second leverages social norms with real data that supports company goals and may surprise the audience, such as “60 percent of employees choose healthy entrees at least three days a week.”
  • “Finally, short, creative ‘edutainment’; videos can incorporate humor or sense of fun with their messages.”

Additionally, Heinen added “on-site clinic services, resiliency or mindfulness training, new healthy dining initiatives, exercise classes, walking programs or any other offerings that employees value can improve overall participation.”

Written By Laura McKenzie


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