How Workplace Wellness Can Drive Employee Recognition Programs

by | Aug 20, 2015 | Engagement

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11932_1In addition to helping improve employee health and productivity, a new trend for workplace wellness just might be in the area of employee recognition.

That's among the findings from an interesting new report from Michael C. Fina. The company conducted an in-booth survey of 400+ HR professionals attending the recent SHRM 2015 Annual Conference & Exposition. The survey found that “recognition continues to be a popular way to keep employees motivated.”

And while some traditional employee recognition programs continue to be popular, “there is a growing trend around Wellness initiatives. Forty percent of respondents plan to increase recognition and incentives that are tied to wellness efforts.”

What's driving the trend that would lead 40 percent of respondents to give that answer?

Said Cord Himelstein, vice president of marketing and communications, Michael C. Fina: “The increased focus on health and wellness in the workplace is in the public's eye due to the Affordable Care Act along with the recent push for paid sick leave in several major cities. Companies are rediscovering that wellness in the workplace translates to lower healthcare costs for all of us.”

Written By Laura McKenzie


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