Key Predictor of Wellness Program Success: Corporate Culture

by | Aug 26, 2015 | Program Design

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Screen Shot 2015-08-25 at 11.00.22 AMOf the many factors that can make a workplace wellness program successful, which is most important?

Joe Miller, President of the Wellness Research Institute, has a point of view, which he recently published in Employee Benefit News. The key is corporate culture.

Writes Miller: “What we’ve come to realize as a fundamental truth is that you can have a strong culture without a wellness program, but you cannot have a great wellness program without a strong culture. Trying to institute a wellness initiative in a poor corporate culture is like making dinner with rotten ingredients.”

So how do you know whether your corporate culture is primed for success? Miller offers tips:

  1. “Self-reflect. Take a look in the mirror and understand what the culture of your organization is. Do employees like coming to work every day? Do they feel valued and challenged? Is there trust amongst your employees?”
  2. “Engage employees. If you’re having a hard time understanding your own culture or what you can do to make it better, ask employees. Just having their voice heard will be a great first step to improving the culture.”
  3. “Make necessary changes. None of the above points matter if the employer is unwilling or unable to enact the changes their employees’ desire. Empty promises or suggestions falling on deaf ears are sure ways to accelerate a cultural downward spiral.”

Miller concludes: “Be sure to understand your culture and strive to integrate your wellness strategy with your culture. Otherwise you may be building a wellness program on a foundation that won’t be able to support it.”

Written By Laura McKenzie


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