Managing Mental Health in the Workplace

by | Apr 21, 2016 | Business Case

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As we've reported previously (for example: here, here, and here), managing mental health in the workplace is as imperative as managing employees' physical health. However, not all workplace wellness plan design accommodates for this reality.

Some convenient resources from across the web include:

The Partnership for Workplace Mental Health is a program of the American Psychiatric Association Foundation and a subsidiary of the American Psychiatric Association. As described on their site: “The Partnership works with businesses to ensure that employees and their families living with mental illness, including substance use disorders, receive effective care.”

The Partnership offers a useful Employer Case Examples database, which “helps to facilitate the sharing of successful employer practices in key areas of mental health.” Visitors can use the tool “to identify ways to advance mental health” at their own company.

Another resource is “Managing Mental Health Matters,” which focuses “on helping managers, supervisors and other leaders learn how to effectively recognize and manage mental health related issues in the workplace.”

MMHM addresses issues relevant to mental health in the workplace, including:

  • “Managing with emotional intelligence”
  • “Need for reasonable accommodation”
  • “Successful reintegration of returning workers”


Written By Laura McKenzie


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