Report Highlights Role Workplace Wellness Can Play in Raising Mental Health Awareness

by | Jun 25, 2018 | Engagement

mental health awareness

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A new report highlights the role workplace wellness can play in raising mental health awareness.

We post frequently on the various components of mental wellness. For example, we recently noted the connections to chronic disease: MedPage Today reports that “New findings reinforce the connection between diabetes and anxiety while advancing knowledge around diagnostic and treatment possibilities. According to data from the Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes 2018 published by the American Diabetes Association, psychosocial interventions can significantly reduce A1C, with a mean reduction of 0.29%, not to mention directly improving mental health and quality of life.”

We also reported that new eye-opening information from the UK provides important insights — and addresses once again reasons why mental and emotional well-being are such important elements of a well-run workplace wellness program.

Now Workplace Insight reports that “misunderstanding of mental health means millions of employees delay seeking help.”

The post states: “Almost 60 percent of UK employees are unable to identify key symptoms of the most common mental health conditions resulting in treatment delays for millions of workers. A new study from Bupa examined employees’ understanding of key psychological and behavioural symptoms of six of the most prevalent conditions in the UK, as well as identifying widely-held misconceptions.”

This highlights a key opportunity for well-run workplace wellness programs: Helping raise awareness of mental health among members and businesses.

The post continues: “The research reveals that inaccurate assumptions have caused almost seven million people to delay seeking support for a mental health problem. Early diagnosis and treatment of conditions can improve recovery rates.”

Written By Mike Veny


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