The Impact of One Company’s ‘Get Moving’ Program

by | Feb 15, 2016 | Program Design

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According to a 2008 study, helping one employee shift from a sedentary to an active lifestyle can save an employer over $4,000. With seven out of 10 employees at John Brooks Company over the age of 40 and working at a desk, this company decided to undertake a revolutionary wellness program.

John Brooks Company is a Canadian industrial equipment supplier with seven offices and over 150 employees. “Twice a day, the 85 staff members at this industrial pump and spray solutions assembly plant hear a voice over the loudspeaker saying, ‘It is 10 o’clock and time to get moving,’” says Joanne Lovering at Mississauga News. Every morning and afternoon, employees take the time to exercise, stepping away from their desks for a brisk walk or a yoga class.

The piece also notes: “A March 2013 report from the publication Benefits Canada states that companies report savings of anywhere from $2 to $6.85 per person for each dollar invested in employee wellness.”

John Brooks offers complimentary workshops that teach the nuts and bolts of healthy living: nutrition, stress management, and practices to boost your immune system. Subsidized gym memberships and activity trackers mean that employees take their enthusiasm for exercise beyond the immediate impact of two-a-day fitness breaks.

“We are into our fourth year now and it has really changed our employees,” says general manager Heather Collis. On top of anecdotal stories of positive change, Collis recalls some strong internal data that supports their program:

  • “Zero increase in dollars spent in health care claims in the last four years”
  • Decreasing drug prescriptions for chronic health issues like diabetes and depression
  • Increased collaboration among teams
  • High-energy employees after the 3:00 p.m. exercise break  
  • An increase in candidates applying for jobs
  • Happier staff members

These outcomes reflect the powerful financial and personal benefits wellness programs offer employers and employees alike. In particular, John Brooks shows that any company can take on a new approach to wellness, strengthening their bottom line and bettering the lives of employees.

Written By Laura McKenzie


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