Trends in Improving Workplace Wellness: Tips for Human Resource Professionals

by | Aug 18, 2022 | Conversations, employee satisfaction, Engagement, Mental Health, workplace wellness

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Workplace wellness carries a great deal of significance for companies and organizations that want to operate at an optimum level. The human resources of a company should be at their best to accomplish the mission of the company as well as meet their personal and professional goals. If the social, mental, and physical aspects of employees are not in a good place, they will find it very difficult for them to perform their duties efficiently.

With this in mind, it's up to human resource professionals to find and implement effective ways of improving workplace wellness. Employee and company success does not come through a sudden flight. There must be deliberate plans set in place to invest in workplace wellness to create strategic room for success. Here are tips for human resource professionals to improve workplace wellness:

Provide a Wellness Training Program

Training is a key factor of achievement in modern companies. There's a need for continuous training of employees to get the resources they need to perform at the highest level possible. The workplace environment can be stressful at times. This makes it difficult for them to be effective in their delivery of services. That's why human resource professionals should invest in wellness training programs to equip employees accordingly.

They need to know what wellness is and how to promote it in order to improve their capacity at work. For example, an effective training program allows employees to learn how to deal with stressful working environments for peak performance. As a human resource professional, you should partner with wellness trainers to equip your workplace with the fundamental knowledge and skills to promote physical, social, and mental wellness.

Put Emphasis on Inclusivity

An inclusive work environment is important for fostering workplace wellness. For a corporate environment to be productive, there's a need for social and psychological well-being from team members. This level of productivity is a result of inclusivity. When employees work as a team, they create the right environment for healthy social and mental well-being. The level of satisfaction in the work environment is high in a place that practices inclusivity.

When human resource professionals promote inclusivity in the workplace, teams have a higher likelihood of participating in healthy practices that boost comfort and happiness. In an inclusive work environment, team members have the courage to handle the challenges of working in a demanding workplace. So, the role of company leaders should be to identify effective ways of bringing different individuals together to achieve common objectives.

Provide Support to Employees

Offering support to employees is a great way of maximizing their potential in each of them. Certainly, this goes a long way to boost the achievement of wellness within a company. As the persons responsible for ensuring the quality and well-being of employees, human resource managers create avenues for promoting support to employees.

For example, when wellness programs are set up in a workplace, there's a need for support to increase the chances of success. It is one thing to roll out a wellness program in a company, but it's another to provide the required support until expected goals come to fruition. For new and improved wellness practices to be integrated into the culture of a workplace environment, the leadership of companies and organizations have to provide widespread support to employees. 

Create Flexible Workplaces

Another trend in improving workplace wellness is the creation of flexible workplaces. The problem that many employees face is a lack of flexible workplaces. A major advantage of a flexible working environment is that it allows team members to work in places that address their needs and preferences. This is an integral component of boosting the level of wellness among workers.

As a human resource professional, it will be a plus for your company if you do away with an inflexible work environment and encourage a workplace that fits the needs of employees. If you're able to tune a work environment to meet the pressing needs of team members, you'll be investing in their wellness. They will overcome the stress and frustrations of demanding workplaces. For example, workers should be able to move technology and furniture to enable easy and effective operations. This is a practice that helps boost mental health and wellness in the workplace.

Add Greenery to Your Workplace

Psychological stress is common in many workplaces. When teams have to deliver results within tight deadlines, it can be mentally exhausting. This extends even to physical exhaustion. People feel tired and overwhelmed. During these times, workplace wellness is at a bad level. That's why action is paramount to bring about the required changes and improvements.

Try adding greenery to your workplace. This helps workers and teams to elevate their mood and feel motivated to perform at the highest level. Team members are able to feel more comfortable, focused, and engaged, which are key products of a high level of wellness.

Lay Emphasis on Employee Recognition

Human resource professionals should lay emphasis on employee recognition. The level of recognition that employees receive determines the degree of wellness they manifest. It's for this reason that companies that appreciate their employees have a more positive environment than those that don't. In today's workplace environment teams are forced to work in settings that sip their energy and morale.

Therefore, it is imperative for human resource managers to lay much emphasis on employee recognition. Appreciate them through promotions, gifts, and rewards to boost their working spirit. This goes a long way to improve wellness and their dedication to quality service delivery.

Call to Action

If you would like a product that will cater to the mental health needs of your team, Connectivity & Conversations: A Workplace Mental Health Course is what you really need. This is a product by Mike Veny, a Certified Corporate Wellness Specialist. The course equips human resource professionals with the knowledge and skills to help employees facing mental health problems. Visit to get in touch with a professional team to guide you accordingly, and buy the product for your team's wellness success.


Written By Mike Veny


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