For Healthier Employees, Consider Workplace Wellness Focus on Tech

by | Jul 6, 2018 | Program Design

workplace wellness focus on tech

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As well-run workplace wellness programs continue their focus on sleep, one area they may want to address: Focus on tech, especially late night work with the smartphone.

We have noted the role a lack of sleep may play in chronic disease, including a study that connects rest challenges with poor quality of life in some chronic kidney disease (CKD) patients.

The study is published in the Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology. It’s titled “Sleep Duration and Health-Related Quality of Life in Predialysis CKD.”

The authors state: “Sleep duration has been associated with cardiometabolic risk and mortality. The health-related quality of life represents a patient’s comprehensive perception of health and is accepted as a health outcome. We examined the relationship between sleep duration and health-related quality of life in predialysis CKD.”

Their findings “suggest that short or long sleep duration is independently associated with low health-related quality of life in adults with CKD.”

Now Workplace Insights reports that “use of tech in the evening linked to sleep disruption and a range of serious mood disorders.”

The post notes:

  • “People should not use their laptops and mobile phones in the evening if they want to avoid sleep disruption and a range of mood disorders, including depression, claims new research from the University of Glasgow.”
  • “The largest study so far into the link between disrupted body clocks and mood disorders and wellbeing has been published in the journal Lancet Psychiatry. The research into the behaviour of 91,000 people shows that disrupted body clock rhythms are associated with increased susceptibility to depression, bipolar disorder, and adverse wellbeing.”
  • “According to the study, disturbances to the body’s internal clock, characterised by increased activity during rest periods and/or inactivity during the day, are also associated with mood instability, more subjective loneliness, lower happiness and health satisfaction, and worse cognitive function.”

Written By Mike Veny


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