Workplace Wellness Ideas That Engage Employees

by | Jun 13, 2022 | employee satisfaction, workplace wellness

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There have been many studies throughout the decades on how the work environment affects employee performance. For instance, according to the National Center for Biotechnology Information, several empirical studies keypoint that “ostracism, incivility, harassment, and bullying have direct negative significant effects on job productivity, while job burnout was shown to be a statistically significant mediator between the dimensions of a toxic workplace environment and job productivity.” With this information, we know how important it is for Employers to value their most valuable asset which is their employees. When job productivity fails, it reflects negatively on a business as a whole and its reputation. 

To maintain a successful business or corporation, all employers and managerial staff must see the importance of workplace wellness and implement the necessary changes like workplace wellness programs. Making this investment in one's employees will prove to be one of the best choices a business can make. When people feel valued, they work harder and do a better job with far fewer mishaps than working while experiencing burnout in a toxic workplace environment. Here are but a few effective workplace wellness ideas any entity can incorporate into the running of their business to boost employee engagement, productivity, performance, and worker satisfaction. 

Workplace Wellness Ideas 

Encouraging Employee Feedback 

One of the best things a business can do is encourage feedback from their employees. Employees should feel free to voice their grievances and concerns regarding their workplace environment, complaints regarding others, concerns about their workload, and more. Suppressing one's dissatisfaction only means that employees run the risk of being focused on the still present issue instead of being focused on their work. This means there will likely be an increase in mishaps, misinterpretations, and mistakes that may cost the business. Having monthly surveys for employees to anonymously voice their views regarding staffing, workplace environment, inclusivity, and personal work satisfaction is a great place to start for encouraging employee engagement. Managers and employers should always encourage employee feedback and foster a communicative environment where employees feel comfortable expressing themselves. 

Accommodating for Concerns 

Once an issue is known, employers must take a full-hearted approach to resolve this issue. By being proactive in problem-solving, employees feel represented and advocated for. This builds rapport amongst everyone in the workplace whilst also encouraging employee engagement. In this way, employees will know that concerns are being met with swift acknowledgment, accommodation, and resolution. When workers see that employers are making a concentrated effort to assist them, it enhances trust between employer and employee. Employers must be mindful that their judgments are objective, ensuring that cronyism and favoritism aren't an active part of any decision-making that goes on at work. 

Prioritizing Employee Needs 

Employee needs aren't just limited to the workplace but extend into their personal lives as well. While it's thought that a workplace is a place of utmost professionalism, employees are still not exempt from bringing their home life to work. Even though a person may be at work, their mind could be at home. So, it should interest employers the state of mind their workers are in. Mental health is important and burnout is not just something the work environment can contribute to. When someone is dealing with so much at home such as loss, debt, interpersonal relationships, etc., it's hard not to stress over these things once you clock in. 

Having unresolved personal matters not only negatively impacts job performance, but also makes overwhelm much easier to occur at work. It could very well be “the needle that broke the camel's back” or “the last straw” situation where a boiling point is imminent. Prioritizing employee needs will help reduce the pressure felt during this time. Employers can assist employee needs by making free guidance counseling services, providing mental health days, paid time-off, and more. Workers should have time to regenerate and re-center without running the risk of burnout. 

Maintain Rapport Outside of Work 

As mentioned previously, an employee's needs aren't exclusive to the workplace by going beyond the workplace. A relationship with workers should still be maintained outside of work. This doesn't infer that employers and employees become best friends for life. However, it does mean that healthy interpersonal relationships should be cultivated. Having lunch with employees on occasion is a simple yet impactful thing employers can initiate. Inviting employees to special events is also another great option to build and maintain rapport outside of work. 

Reward System 

One of the best workplace wellness ideas includes a reward system where all employees have their contributions to the business acknowledged, validated, and awarded in some way. Contrary to popular belief, this idea doesn't have to cost the business thousands of dollars. Having something as simple as an 'employee of the week or month' where selected employees have their picture up on the office bulletin is one of many ways to show appreciation. Sometimes, noticing someone's hard work is enough of a reward. You can also give these employees gift baskets, gift cards, handwritten letters of appreciation, and more to display your gratitude. Bi-weekly or monthly raffles are also an option where all participants can add money to the raffle and have their names selected at random to win the pot of money. This is a brilliant way for employees to get a bonus and have even more to look forward to. 

Group Activities That Encourage Teamwork 

Group activities will encourage workplace wellness, employee engagement, and teamwork. This is a means for employees to learn more about their fellow staff and employer. Activities such as escape rooms, scavenger hunts, jeopardy, and field day are just a few group activities that encourage teamwork. Laughing with others is very cathartic and also makes us more comfortable with those we share these moments with. Being in good rapport with everyone in the workplace significantly cuts down arguments and any residual drama that might've presented in the workplace otherwise. Here is a list of 75 Insanely Fun Team Building Activities, Games, and Exercises for Work that will improve workplace wellness. 

The workplace wellness ideas mentioned will bring any workplace good rapport, job performance, increased productivity, worker satisfaction, business success, and more. Remember, employees, are the most important part of any successful business or corporation. When you prioritize employee wellness and engagement, your business will be the better for it.

Written By Mike Veny


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