What are the keys to designing an effective workplace health model? The U.S. Centers for Disease Control outlines the steps. To begin: "A coordinated approach to workplace health promotion results in a planned, organized, and comprehensive set of programs, policies,...
How Incentives Can Impact Workplace Wellness Programs, Reach Employees Most in Need
Any good workplace wellness plan seeks high levels of employee engagement. Many use a variety of incentives to get employees engaged. Now a new report shows that those incentives just might work best on the very employees who most needed to be engaged in the first...
Engaged Employees Can Use Workplace Wellness to Reduce Obesity: Study
A new report shows that "workplace wellness programs can be effective in helping people lose weight by providing healthier food choices and increasing opportunities for physical activity, particularly if these efforts are designed with the input and active...
Theme for National Employee Benefits Day: Wellness 2.0
It's one thing for today to be National Employee Benefits Day, which is clearly a big event for all of us focused on employee well-being. But the day becomes even that much more significant when we note the theme of this year's celebration: Wellness 2.0. As the...
More Sitting is the New Smoking: National Walking Day
Today is the American Heart Association's National Walking Day, and according to the USA Today, it's not an activity to be done alone. In fact, it just might be the perfect workplace wellness activity. The post begins one Illinois employee who, every day "with at...
Should Businesses Pay Employees to Exercise?
Ryan Holmes is CEO of Hootsuite, which identifies itself as "the world’s most widely used social relationship platform." He also deeply believes in employee health and well-being, which is why he recently wrote a piece in Medium with the provocative title: "Why It’s...